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Do Surgical face mask Protect You from Viruses? | face mask | mask | surgical face mask
face mask - How to Surgical face mask Protect You from Viruses? | face mask | mask | surgical face mask

 face mask - How to Surgical face mask Protect You from Viruses? | face mask | mask | surgical face mask

Hey I Am Nirav Parmar , I Going to tell you Do surgical face mask protect you from viruses ? and do face mask protect from viruses and also face mask is protect from corona viruses ?

Good news: It looks like we’ve finally made it through this nasty flu season.Hopefully, thanks to a flu shot and lots of hand-washing, you managed to avoid getting sick.Maybe you even went the extra mile this year and put on a surgical mask to ward off germs in crowded, public places. We Talking About Surgical face mask...

After all, according to public wisdom, that totally works, right?

 -Well, it’s not that simple.

That fetching paper mask might not have actually prevented you from catching the flu -- but if nothing else, if you were sick, it probably stopped you from infecting everyone else.

At first glance, those masks might seem really effective -- even according to some research.In one 2009 study, almost 450 nurses in Ontario,Canada, were assigned to wear either a simple surgical face mask or an N95 respirator.

These are specially designed masks that mold closely to the face and block at least 95% of tiny particles.

That study, published in JAMA, found that about 23% of nurses ended up catching the flu regardless of the form of protection they used.

So case closed, right?

face mask must work at least as well as those fancy respirators at keeping people flu-free. Except… that’s probably not the case.See, there’s a difference between getting sick and being exposed to flu virus. And other studies have shown that face mask are definitely worse at keeping out viruses.

One of those studies, published in American Journal of Infection Control in 2006, used samples of a harmless virus to test how good respirators and face mask are at protecting their wearers from airborne pathogens.They found that 20 to 85% of the simulated pathogens penetrated the face mask, compared to only around 5% for the respirators.

Which is quite the difference.So even if both groups of nurses in that first study got sick just as often, the ones wearing face masks were probably exposed to a lot more particles. If you think about it, though, that really isn’t that surprising.

Because here’s the thing: Surgical face mask aren’t actually designed to protect you from dangerous particles in the environment. Only respirators are. Instead, the masks intended for the opposite job -- protecting other people from your germs.

See, while respirators fit tightly to your face, surgical face masks often have gaps on the sides. They still do a good job covering your mouth and nose, but outside particles can probably sneak in around the face mask. So even if they do happen to keep you healthy, that’s not their main purpose.

Still, when it comes to containing your germs, they’re definitely effective. For a 2013 study published in the journal PLOS Pathogens, scientists collected examples of exhaled particles from about 40 flu patients with and without surgical face mask.

They found that the masks significantly reduced the amount of personalized virus that their subjects put into the air. And a 2009 study from the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that face mask were just as effective as fancy respirators at keeping the illness from spreading.

This is why doctor’s offices will ask patients who are coughing or sneezing to put on a face mask while they’re in the waiting room -- to protect everyone else. According to a Mayo Clinic expert, if you’re not sick yourself, just worried about catching the flu, wearing a paper mask might help, and it certainly won’t hurt. But your best bet is still to suck it up and go get that flu shot.

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face mask - How to Surgical face mask Protect You from Viruses? | face mask | mask | surgical face mask

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