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how to find percentage ? | percentage | find | find percentage

how to find percentage ? | percentage | find | find percentage

Hey Welcome !! I Am Nirav Parmar

how to find percentage ? | percentage | find | find percentage

How do you find the percentage of a given quantity? I mean something like what is '10% of 30'? 

We go step by step to understand this. First let's look at '10%'. 

We can write '10% as 10 by 100'. '10 parts out of 100'. 'Of' means 'multiplied by'. And we write '30' as is. '10 times 10' is '100'. And '10 times 3' is '30'. So this equals '3'. So '10 percent of 30' is '3'. 

But what does this exactly mean? Let's understand this with an example. 

What it actually means is '3 out of 30' parts equals '10 percent'. I have 8 mangoes. '25%' of them have been lying around for too long and are rotten. So how many mangoes are rotten? '25 percent of these 8 mangoes' are no good. How much is that? What do we do in this case? Let's see. The total number of mangoes is '8'. And it says that '25 percent' of the total mangoes are unfit for consumption. So '25% of 8 are rotten'. We use the same technique which we used here. We write '25 percent' as '25 by 100' 'of' as multiplied by and '8' as is. So all we have to do is find '25 by 100' multiplied by '8'. '25 times 4 is 100' and '4 times 2 is 8'. So this 'equals 2'. So we can say that '2 mangoes' out of the '8' are rotten.

How to calculate percentage of a number. Use the percentage formula: P% * X = Y

  • Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: P% * X = Y.
  • P is 10%, X is 150, so the equation is 10% * 150 = Y.
  • Convert 10% to a decimal by removing the percent sign and dividing by 100: 10/100 = 0.10.
Find Your Percentage 

Percent: %

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